Tuesday, March 3, 2015

This is the FB post that I removed because it pissed off my friends

Ok... treading gently on to very tender subject...

Don't Hate, Just Wait.

I was doing it again... the eye roll/sigh.

Another friend of mine added me to a page or group for a "product" that they want me to try...

I counted quickly the number of friends who are selling MLM products on FB and I stopped at 50. So, I know, I know, I know, I know.

I know that you feel weird pushing products, I know it's awkward. I know you are worried about getting your investment back. And, I know that some of you are selling really great stuff.

I really do.

But, what kind of friend would I be if I allowed 50 plus friends to go on without a little perspective from a person who can't sell anything?

I love you all AND I am really FOR YOU. I want you to succeed.

Here is a list of things I would love to say.... to each of you... but I don't have the guts. Here it is to all of you, current, past, and future network marketing friends ( please don't punch me in the face.)

#1 The "Company Created Glossy Ads" aren't that effective. Remember, the rest of us are very skeptical plus it is weird that one day we see you fishing with your kids, eating at a restaurant and posting videos, and the next day looks like a product selling robot took over your account. Those marketing companies don't understand small town people.

#2 Your products are high because of "quality" but then you show me the incentives that the company gave you. Whether it is a pink car, a trip to Hawaii, a big check, it is not going to help you sell $200 a month protein shakes to ME.
.... I know you are trying to motivate your team members, but to us, it completely explains why the products are sometimes 10 times higher for similar products in stores. I know, the quality is better, but remember WE ARE SKEPTICAL.

#3 Maybe not so many posts. Some of you are great and some of you are ok and some of you are annoying, sorry, love you much. Remember, that when something is over-exposed, people mentally start avoiding it. WE ARE SKEPTICAL AND PESSIMISTIC as a culture. Keep your team group posts private. I understand that most of the time you are just encouraging other team members.

#4 Good Products Sell Themselves. If I see your product on FB, I usually go to the official company site for the product FIRST. If the Product page is about recruitment more than what it is selling, it is a red flag. (Nerium, It Works, Thrive, Essential Oils, Norwex, blah, blah, blah) I bought something from ALL of these companies through friends. But the websites themselves are not helping the customer who just wants face cream, usually. Tell your company to put it's product up front, not the recruitment stuff if it doesn't do so.

#5 X-Nay on the Virtual Parties. It's easy, and convenient but I feel like trapped I'm in an infomercial. Just do regular face to face ones. Or wear a shirt that says" Ask me about (blank)!" Because I would rather do that.

I know, I know, I know, I know.... All these products are too expensive and I am always feeling up-sold to save money with the "buy more, save more" pitch. But, the Facebook thing, is not a great way to market anymore... Just google it... it's really not working for most anymore.

(I have 4 very close friends that are contemplating kicking my butt right now.)

Now three positive points, (see I love you!)

When some of the sharpest non-flaky business women I know around here started selling products, it did make me give a certain line of products a second look. Their personal reputations gave their products a lot of clout.

I bought from ALL the companies I listed above PLUS Rodan + Fields, Mary Kay, Jamberry Nails and many more.

Here's why I DID.

I bought Mary Kay products from a friend because that company is tried and true.

Melissa Josslet happened to show me her hands one day, I saw that crazy Jamberry nails DO look good on people my age. AND she showed me that they were still on after two weeks. So, I decided to finally try them.

Kim Kuehler, sold me on Younique Lashes in person in the hallway at the elementary school, me standing 2 feet away, and looking at her eyes... Straight forward, and I'll buy more when I run out.


ARKED difference in the people using the product, THAT"S THE KICKER. When they talk to me about what it had done for them as a product, not a company. The clearer skin, the weight loss, the true stories... THAT ALWAYS GETS ME.

I finally bought Rodan + Fields after watching friends and family and even my mom's skin change before my eyes. I think I watched two years before I tried it. REMEMBER I AM SKEPTICAL... But I did... because I saw them reveling in REAL CHANGE. Jodi Urbanzyk brought my mother her order when happened to be at her house, and she just bubbled over with stories of amazing changes in her skin. My sister Kandis is selling it too, so is my pal Cori, and about ten other fine women in this area. I am skeptical but I am honestly seeing a difference.

My Network Marketing friends are trying to do three impossible things
1.Tell you about their product
2. Not appear pushy
3. Make extra income.

Look around, everyone needs a little extra income here. Please, don't roll/sigh every post about a "new product" or "special offer". Instead, contact your friends and talk to them. It could be the beginning of a good thing. You get something you really need AND your friend can perhaps have a little more income for her or his family.

Plus, remember I don't have the money to spend on these products usually. So if I do, two things must be there, I believe you and I trust you.

I know it isn't easy. Just keep going and the best thing about that product is YOU.

Sidenote:  I asked a MLM friend if she read this, she did, she was pissed. Said I was calling her out.  I guess it is fine if people bombard me with sales ads and complicate our friendships. But it is NOT ok to point out another very valid perspective on it.